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服務項目 Services
機場接送AIRPORT SERVICE 金昇視每一位客戶如貴賓,無論您身在何方無論遠近,只要您一通電話,金昇絕對守時地前往貴府貼心地接送您前往機場。 當您回國時,金昇團隊也會按照您的班機準確降落時間,前往機場迎接您並安全舒適地接送您回家。 金昇團隊每位司機都是專業駕駛,隨時都和航空公司保持聯繫,隨時掌控班機的起降時間,即便您的班機提前或延後,金昇都會按時接送您到目的地。
Each driver of the ChinSheng team is a professional driver, keeping in touch with the airline at any time, and controlling the take-off and landing time of the flight at any time. Even if your flight is advanced or delayed, ChinSheng will pick you up to your destination on time.
商務洽公BUSINESS TRANSFER 無論您從世界各地來台洽公談生意,均由本公司提供專業駕駛。
From the moment you take the ChinSheng team car, until you return to the hotel or the airport after your business negotiation,
ChinSheng takes the best service to give you the luxury, comfort and safety of being in a first-class cabin
Quickly send you to your destination on time.
Every driver of ChinSheng has signed a confidentiality agreement with the company, and business guests must not be leaked.
Itinerary and confidentiality, you can rest assured to take ChinSheng ‘s premium car.
Promote your business smoothly so that you sit decently like your exclusive driver.
Each of ChinSheng’s fleet has high insurance, even if you come to Taiwan from abroad
Access is guaranteed, so you can negotiate business with peace of mind.
觀光旅遊/台灣自由行SIGHTSEEING TOUR當您來台洽公順利完成生意的同時,您可搭乘金昇的豪華座車到您想去的觀光景點放鬆心情、享受一下美食及欣賞當下優美風景。
You can take ChinSheng’s luxury car to relax at the sightseeing spots you want to go,
Enjoy the food and appreciate the beautiful scenery of the moment. More importantly, business contacts who wish to come to Taiwan,
In addition to business negotiations, it can also bring relatives or introduce relatives and friends to Taiwan for sightseeing.
From ChinSheng to serve you.
Whether you are a native of Taiwan or a luxury group traveling to Taiwan from all over the world,
The company can provide all types of cars, from small families to large families;
I believe I am passionate about traveling from nearby suburbs to all parts of Taiwan
Professional driving services will surely allow you to travel all the way,
Go out happily and return home safely.
北台灣 1. 黃金東北角海岸、九份、野柳一日遊。
2. 蘇、花超值二日遊,欣賞台灣大自然風光。
3. 台北市區一日遊:故宮博物院、艋舺夜市、士林夜市、龍山寺、中正紀念堂、歷史博物館、古蹟、夜市美食。

中台灣1. 南投日月潭遊湖賞景、夜宿涵碧樓。
2. 清境漫遊、享受美景。
3. 溪頭、杉林溪歡樂遊。

南台灣1. 阿里山奮起湖看雲海、日出。
2. 台南府城古蹟之旅。
3. 台南美食小吃品嚐。
4. 屏東墾丁碧海藍天,享受南台灣海洋魅力。